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Navigating Change in 90 Seconds: Is It Possible?
Stoic philosopher Marcus Aurelius once said, "You have power over your mind, not outside events. Realize this and you will find strength."

Neuroanatomist Jill Bolte Taylor can attest to this. A pioneer in the science behind creating inner calm, her research has found that when you respond to a stressful trigger event, chemicals race through the body that put your body on high alert. But it only takes 90 seconds for those chemicals to flush out. Any remaining inner strain is because of an active decision to stay in the emotional response loop, not because you are still biologically reacting.

Why not test out the theory the next time a stressful trigger event occurs? Observe your emotional response for roughly two minutes, even naming the emotions as they arise. In taking the time to identify the pain, anger, anxiety, or fear you feel, you give your body a pause during the fight-or-flight instinct. This is similar to the meditative practice of allowing thoughts to pass and not allowing them to derail your cool.

When it comes to navigating the demands and pressures of a workplace environment, Bolte Taylor's 90-second trick could certainly come in handy. For example, if your best salesperson resigns, you may feel an immediate hit of adrenaline in response. Instead of floundering in disappointment, allow your body to feel it and let it pass. Thereafter make a choice to move forward with composure and compassion, asking yourself how you can intentionally learn from this setback in order to move forward having gained valuable insight.

Navigating change in 90 seconds is indeed possible. Change will happen. What's important is the story you tell yourself once it does. Be prepared and know how to process it, and you'll see positive results in your business.
How to Win Big in Today's Economy

The altered economic landscape presents innovative and nimble businesses with opportunities to thrive.

Find out how by requesting my free report "How to Win Big in Today's Economy" by replying to this email.

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6 Reasons It's Time to Consider a Website Overhaul
Maintaining your website doesn't always require complete reconstruction. Often, a simple graphics refresh or updating a few pages can do the trick. However, there are certain indicators that tell you when it's wise to reinvest in your online presence. If your website:

Isn't your best salesman. Your website is not an advertisement; it's a lead-generating machine. There should be a quick and simple way for people to start a conversation with you on each and every page.

Is eating your competitors' dust. You could pour endless cash into continually optimizing a website. While it's important to keep up with competitors, focus most on how well your website is working for you. If you're truly falling behind, chances are competitors' websites are working harder for them than yours is working for you.

Isn't "responsive." There are many complex layers that make a website work; what's seen when browsing the web is just the surface. "Responsiveness" ensures your website appears as you intended on every screen size. This is especially important for cell phone browsers (also known as being "mobile-friendly").

Has a high "bounce rate." This statistic shows how many visitors "bounce" from, or leave, your website after viewing only one page (usually the home page). If your bounce rate is over 60%, consider hiring an expert to improve your site's structure.

Is slow. Up to 40% of people will "bounce" from your site if it takes longer than three seconds to load. You can check your website's performance through a speed test like Google's here:

Better reflects your business from five years ago. As your business has grown over the years, your navigation may be geared toward an outdated business model. This can be difficult to use from a consumer perspective. Restructure your site to speak outward toward the clients you want to attract.
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Worth Reading
25 Best
for Surveys
By Annie Pilon
Small Business Trends
Surveys provide valuable insights into the health of your business, both externally and internally, and can give you actionable data to move with precision, clarity, and confidence. This article highlights core elements for creating an effective survey, from focusing your objective to analyzing the results. Here are the best practices to obtain maximum engagement and honest feedback.
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11 Ways to Refresh Your Company's Image without
a Full Rebrand
By Forbes Agency Council
The evolution of a company's product and service offerings, overall positioning, and advantages within the competitive landscape will change over time. Discover how to redefine customers' perceptions and drive awareness of expanded capabilities without changing the core of who you are. Here are tried-and-true methods to gently shift and realign your brand image.
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6 Tips to Get the Most Out of Your LinkedIn Profile
Making use of all LinkedIn can provide is the ultimate test of social and networking skills. Here are top tips to not just build a strong network but to become an all-star.

Focus on profile strength. According to LinkedIn, completing each section helps you rank higher in search results and become 40% more likely to have potential jobs, clients, and contacts reach out to you directly.

Seek out groups similar to your industry or interests. Become a positive addition by participating in conversations, furthering your expertise, and contributing relevant content. Create the value for people to interact with you. This is where your reputation begins to sell itself.

Don't be afraid to connect. The perfect time to add a connection is after a positive interaction in a group discussion or initial meeting. Steer away from "spamming" invitations or leading with a sales pitch. A personal touch is a must!

Empower people to get in touch. Consider stating your preferred contact methods if you are open to people contacting you with opportunities.

Reciprocal relationships. One of the fastest ways to build respect and rapport is by helping and connecting others. Having an equal give and take in your online interactions is imperative to building a strong social network.

Keep relevant. Keep in touch. Take two minutes per day to check in with a few contacts. The most common mistake made is "connecting and forgetting." Send a message, congratulate on promotions, like posted content, or schedule a virtual lunch or coffee meeting with remote connections.
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Links You Can Use - Streamlining
Making efficient use of time, keeping organized, and automating simple tasks are key for managing all the various aspects of keeping a business running while you also continue to focus on growth. Here are some ways to streamline your operations so that you can cut the frills and get back to focusing on the meat and potatoes of your core business:
How to Identify
Repetitive Tasks
in Your Business

Start with a few exercises to identify repetitive and redundant activities that should be better streamlined.

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5 Ways Digital Expense Management Benefits
Small Business

Cut down on time-consuming tasks, such as filing and processing expense reports, with a digital expense management system.

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4 Tips for
Streamlining Your
Email Campaigns

Take the "copy and paste" out of your daily marketing activities with scalable, effective automated email campaigns.

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10 Small Business Functions That Can Be Easily Outsourced

Outsource non-revenue-generating yet essential business activities so that you can keep focused on growing your business.

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Reviving Team Confidence After Your
Business Takes a Bullet
Business is a battlefield. When the unexpected gets shot your way, team confidence can take a hit that throws your entire army into chaos. Pulling from timeless wisdom and today's best leadership practices, here's a communication playbook to keep you and your team marching forward into battle even when the world goes sideways.

Be courageous in facing the facts. Hope and vision are integral to effective leadership. However, when crisis hits, this same optimism can also lead toward a naïve "optimism bias" and "playing ostrich." Dare to have the audacity, discipline, and wisdom to confront the facts. 

Uncertainty creates shadows; communication creates light. It's natural to pull back when we don't have all the answers, but the "wait and see" approach can be detrimental to keeping a confident and engaged team. Leaning into the facts and being brave in transparency set the foundation for trust and teamwork. Remember that "any news" is better than "no news" for employees. Now is the time to learn to be comfortable with being uncomfortable.

Pivot the pressure into a superpower. Defining the problem your business is actually facing when in crisis mode can be a deceivingly challenging task. It can also be an opportunity for incredible clarity, innovation, and diversification.

While you may need to briefly slow down your charge, have caution to not abandon or retreat from your vision and mission. Instead, stay true to course by implementing adaptable and creative solutions that navigate back to your long-term goals.

All hands on deck. Stress the importance of getting through this crisis together. Make sure each person feels the value his or her individual contribution provides to the greater whole. Set team expectations by clearly expressing what you will need from your staff to get through the present situation.

Cut the jargon. Transparent communication is paramount, but were you actually understood? Breaking down complex terms into digestible language empowers employees to feel they can make a difference, conveys a sense of empathy that retains confidence, and elevates the entire organization's business-level acumen. This is an opportunity to cultivate an even smarter business from the ground up.
This newsletter and any information contained herein are intended for general informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal, financial or medical advice. The publisher takes great efforts to ensure the accuracy of information contained in this newsletter. However, we will not be responsible at any time for any errors or omissions or any damages, howsoever caused, that result from its use. Seek competent professional advice and/or legal counsel with respect to any matter discussed or published in this newsletter.

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